Context: [Bump version. Lemmih **20081109134303] [dooh, I forgot to kill the ktid thread in TimeOut.hs**20080918235501] [support for base 5 (extensible exceptions) and nesting timeouts**20080918012057 withTimeOut functions behave slightly different now: They always rethrow exceptions other than the own internal ones. Prior to this patch withTimeOutMaybe returned Nothing on any non catched Exception ] [removed HAppS.Util.Exception**20080917151726 The corresponding patch must be applied to HAppS-Server because the module has been used in this one place only. catchSome doesn't tell you much about when to use All exceptions are catched in rloop anyway ] [Fix haddock annotation. Lemmih **20080229151217] [Cabal wibbles. Lemmih **20080222230653] [TAG 0.9.2 Lemmih **20080222225437]